Monday, 12 May 2008

Birthday Photos...

Flowers from E,

Beautiful indulgent therapy at St Kilda Sea Baths from L,

Chocolates from A,

I made these,

This is me trying every pose in the book to avoid the "double chin"... am not too sure it worked but I did my best...

I had my spa treatment today and I feel radiant, silky smooth and I think I even dozed of at one stage but luckily my snoring woke me!!!
A funny point on the night - I invited three couples and ALL the women had names starting with V, there was me Vida, a friend of 28 years called Varinia, a friend for the last decade Veronica, and a more recent friend called Viviane - what are the chances?!?!? I mean there is not a Susan amongst us, V starting names are not common by any measure... just another oddity in my life... one I will never figure out I guess!!!
I had one of the best birthdays I have ever had in my life and I felt GREAT... life really is good at the moment!!!
Vida x

Saturday, 10 May 2008


It's my birthday today... photos will follow later today... 44 and feeling good! Vida x

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Click away....

Thanks to the wonderous Christie, you can now just click on the little cupcake with the red flower to your right on the side panel and you will be directed to my website... which will be updated soon to include new pictures... These terrific photos were taken by the lovely Jackie... so this is REAL teamwork!!! Vida x

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Quince preserved, jellied and pasted....

Pasted???? is that even right???

Sorry for the lack of posts but my camera cord is broken and I really am unable to upload to the laptop (any suggestions please sing out!!!) and so it seems a bit funny to just write without photos...

Anyway tonight the girls went off to the footy with family and friends and I had the run of the house (must get used to saying apartment) and it was time for me to catch up on kitchen capers. The quince were really waiting for me to get into action so finally I did and in a big way... well three ways that is, first preserved in my trustee Fowlers Vacola preserving "thing", then I cut some up and made a paste and I dare not waste the skin, pips and bits because they all went into a pot with water and sugar to make jelly. I almost thought I could make a cordial too but exhaustion got the better of me and really I did not have THAT many quince.

So now I wait for everything to cool a little then I can store it all away. The quince paste will take a week or so to set and then I can wrap that up and label/tag it. I do have some lovely tags my dear friend gifted me last year and I might just use them and return the favour by giving her some paste.

I hope I can get some pictures tomorrow and somehow upload them to show you. I will miss the sweet perfume the quince have delighted me with these past few weeks sitting on my coffee table but I will enjoy eating them too... Perhaps a little bit of the jelly as my liquid for a few cupcakes or even in the icing perhaps... yum...

Pink and pretty is all I see in the jars in my kitchen, such glee!!! Ahhh a poet to boot!!

Perhaps the lovely Jackie would like some of my spoils for all her talents helping me photograph my cupcakes, in order to update my website... lookout Jackie, I am coming your way!!!

Vida x