Beautiful indulgent therapy at St Kilda Sea Baths from L,
Chocolates from A,
I made these,
I made these,
This is me trying every pose in the book to avoid the "double chin"... am not too sure it worked but I did my best...
I had my spa treatment today and I feel radiant, silky smooth and I think I even dozed of at one stage but luckily my snoring woke me!!!
I had my spa treatment today and I feel radiant, silky smooth and I think I even dozed of at one stage but luckily my snoring woke me!!!
A funny point on the night - I invited three couples and ALL the women had names starting with V, there was me Vida, a friend of 28 years called Varinia, a friend for the last decade Veronica, and a more recent friend called Viviane - what are the chances?!?!? I mean there is not a Susan amongst us, V starting names are not common by any measure... just another oddity in my life... one I will never figure out I guess!!!
I had one of the best birthdays I have ever had in my life and I felt GREAT... life really is good at the moment!!!
Vida x