Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Chocolate, Pistachio & Dried Cranberry Slice...

I am off to Susy's for dinner and I thought I would take a little something to have with our coffee.

This is a recipe that appealed to me because of it's ease but I did alter it a little... I have included dried cranberries and milk chocolate to ease the bitterness of dark chocolate, naturally I have ALSO added cream just so things are really smooth...

350g dark chocolate
250g milk chocolate
150ml cream
1 can of condensed milk
30g butter (unsalted)
150g pistachios
200g dried cranberries

In a bowl, break up your chocolate, add the condensed milk, cream, butter and a pinch of salt, now zap this in the microwave for 1 minute check it then go for one more minute. Stir this to see that all the chocolate is melted and and you mix is smooth. Add your cranberries and pistachios. I did cut my pistachios in half so as to ensure that I would get to see the green interior but it is not necessary.

Line a tray with silverfoil and pour your mix in smoothing the top. Refridgerate until set. Slice and serve.

Vida x


Paul said...

I love the easy-ness of this. And I think everything tastes better with a bit of cream..or butter for that matter. X

Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds just yumscrumptious. I hope I can fit it into my kitchen to-cook list before Christmas.

Tony said...

Mmm .. that would go down well with a glass of port and a coffee.

Vida said...

Paul, you are absolutely right, cream and butter make everything better... Vida x

Duncan, these would take no time at all and they are so easy you could do them in your sleep... Vida x

Anthony, they were lovely with coffee but sadly there was no offer of port... Vida x

Gloria Baker said...

This looks so nice Vida, so delicious, I love the color you have at the Blog.xxxxGloria

Vida said...

Thanks Gloria, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family! Vida x

Oh for the love of food! said...

These look delicious, Vida, and so easy to make too.
A wonderful and safe Christmas to you and your gorgeous girls!

Truffle said...

Oh my! What a lovely guest you are to bring something so wonderful!

Vida said...

Cooking in the City, welcome and thank you so much for your lovely comments... Vida x

Oh for the Love of Food, thank you and I wish you a safe and happy Christmas from my girls and I... Vida x

Tara, thanks for all your support and your beautiful card, it was lovely to hear from you... Vida x

Truffle, thank you for your comment. I would never not bring something to contribute when someone so kindly invites me to their home... Merry Christmas to you! Vida x

Squishy said...

Now they just look awesome. Chopper is salivating. Merry Christmas Vida and A Happy New Year to you and your girls. Keep up the great work on your blog. XoxoxoX

Vida said...

Hey Squishy, thanks so much... Tell Chopper you guys were closer I would make him an entire tray to himself!!!! I hope you guys have a fantastic Christmas and a happy healthy new year! Vida x x x x

Tony said...

Vida, just wanted to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas! Greetings from a cold (yet festive) London!

Lots of love xx

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have been looking for a recipe to make for a friend who has a gluten allergy. I am really short of time and she likes sweet things so this is perfect!!

Tony said...

Happy New Year! Are you MIA?

Kristen - Dine & Dish said...

Happy New Year!
I wanted to let you know that you have been matched in the adopt a blogger event. Please visit each others websites and revisit the initial adopt a blogger post as a reminder of the expectations for this event.
Thanks for participating and have fun getting to know each other!
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Dine and Dish

Your match: http://www.allthingsedible.blogspot.com/

Adopt a blogger post:

Jenny said...

Hi Vida! I am your Adopt a Blogger match up and thought I would give you a wave and say hi!
These slices look yummy!


Anna said...

Oh wow yum, I'm drooling.

My mum's heading down in a week... might make sure I have a batch of this waiting for her.

Squishy said...

Hey Chick, where did ya go? Missing your posts :)

Vida said...

Sorry Squishy, just doing a bit of soul searching, maybe I will join you and be an apprentice... keep me posted about how you go, I am so excited for you!! Vida x x x

Christie said...

missing you too dear friend... xxxx

Jackie Middleton said...

Where are you Vida?? Missing your posts and friendly comments.
Is the soul searching linked to your email??
Hope all is well in penthouse2!
Jack x

Hungry Hamster said...

Hey Vida! How have u been? I thought I was the only one being MIA!
Miss your yummy posts!

Squishy said...

Soul searching huh! Interesting. Go for it with the apprenticeship chick. Just be pre warned. The money is crap. $6.38 an hour for a first year. Do it for love, not for money.