Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Roast Pear and Green Bean Salad with Red Wine Poached Fillet...

Today I had lunch with the lovely Paul, from and he had a salad with green beans in it and it reminded me to put up this post. This one is for you Paul... I give you the measurements and details here but I warn you I am not always a rule player. The recipe called for cream in the dressing so I used sour cream, it said red wine vinegar but I used balsamic, it said to measure out the said ingredients but I didn't... Then for the meat, well I just did whatever I thought was easiest... I bound the fillets with string but I doubt it makes any real difference... I used black peppercorns, thyme, garlic, red wine and stock... The liquid should be at a simmer, it must cover the meat completely and you cook it for 6-10 minutes depending on whether you like it rare, (6) medium (8) or well done (10) and then you remove the meat and keep it warm... take out some of the stock/wine and reduce it to a third of it's original volume, take it off the heat and stir in a few cubes of butter (2-3 teaspoons), adjust the seasoning and pour over your meat... I serve this with the bean salad, some chat potatoes boiled in their jackets and smashed, seasoned and buttered... it was a nice meal... Vida x


1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons sour cream

Place all ingredients in a screw-topped jar and shake well.


3 firm beurre bosc pears
5 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
30g caster sugar
800g green beans, topped and tailed
50g hazelnuts chopped

Preheat oven to 180C

Cut each pear into halves and then each half into thirds.
Lay pears on a roasting pan and drizzle with 3 TB oil and the red wine vinegar and sugar. Roast for 20-25 minutes until soft.

Toss the beans in 2 TB oil and put in a single layer on another baking ban. Roast for 20 minutes (or alternatively, quickly blanch or microwave beans to partly cook until just crunchy.)

Cool to room temperature and combine with dressing. Sprinkle chopped hazelnuts.

Serve immediately. (I don't even follow this rule).... V x


Christie said...

i DO have time for old friends!!!! xxxxxxx

Vida said...

Christie, my heart sings... can you hear it??? Vida x x x

Tony said...

You make EVERYTHING seem SO easy :-p

Ilva said...

I bet you had a great time you and Paul, I'm a bit envious!

Vida said...

Anthony, I must admit cooking comes easy to me, that's how it is when you love something so much. Vida x

Ilva, we did have a lovely time but he mentioned you often so I think you are still safely in number 1 position!! Vida x

Tara, the dressing is fantastic on a potatoe salad, either sweet potatoe or just ordinary. I am doing ok, end of year and all that, you know what it's like! Vida x

Paul said...

Oh thanks Vida! You know how much I love green beans- not! XXX

Vida said...

Good you get my humour, Paul... Vida x P.S. Did you read Ilva's comment???

Lucy said...

Gorgeous salad Vida, just divine.

Very pleased to have found your blog!

Ilva said...

Vida, I'm envious, not jealous! I'm happy you met and had a good time, I hope you'll do it often and I wish I could tag along sometimes, no food bloggers around here unfortunately...

Vida said...

Hey Lucy, welcome aboard!!! Thanks for the compliment and I too am glad you found me!!!! Vida x x

Vida said...

Ilva, darling I too wish you could have joined us!!!! I have ALWAYS been envious of YOU!!! Maybe even a little jealous?!?!?! Vida x x x

Christie said...

The 'dear friend' is blushing... thanks for the gifts, empty handed next time please xxxx

Vida said...

Christie, you know I will say yes to you but do the opposite and if you know and expect that, then all is ok... thanks for lunch and wonderful warm hugs and compassion... you know I adore you! Vida x x x x x x x x x x x x

Gloria Baker said...

Vida, this salad looks amazing!!! Anthony have reason, you make everything is so easy!!! I'm think is because you cook with love ever.xxxx Gloria

Fruity said...

That's a nice dish, it's making me so hungry now.

Vida said...

Fruity, hello again and thank you for the compliment. Vida x

Squishy said...

I have always wanted to do that, poach some nice beef. Looks great Vida. All these things I want to do and never get around to. XoxoxoX

Vida said...

Squishy, tell me about it!!! Not enough time in the day is there?? Thanks for stopping by!! Vida x

Hungry Hamster said...

I'm not normally a pear fan, but roast pear sounds good!!

I love your blog's new look!

Gloria Baker said...

Vida, I mention you in my Post of today.xxxxxGloria

Vida said...

Hungry Hampster, thanks for noticing my "new look". Try the salad, it really is tasty, even my 17 year old liked it!! Vida x

Vida said...

Gloria, thank you very much, I appreciate it... I am so happy I was the first person to ever comment on your blog because we have a nice friendship from it!! Can I just let you know that you forgot the "2" in the address for my blog... Thanks again... Vida x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Gloria Baker said...

Ok Vida yes I review and is OK now with the 2. Gloria

Gloria Baker said...

Vida my "2" is a little small but is OK I try your address and is OK. Try and see. Gloria

Vida said...

Thanks Gloria, you are a champion!! Vida x x x x