Thursday, 11 October 2007

Nice Matters Award - who me???

The lovely Hannah (, has nominated me for the Nice Matters Award and I am please to forward it onto seven other bloggers that I think are worthy of this award. The award is for being a good blogger friend, encouraging fellow bloggers and making the blogging world a better place. (Forgive me Hannah, if I did not get that right, I was trying to remember it all because I don't know how to copy it across). What can I say, I am a novice!! Pigeon Pair who started me on the whole blogging road. Without Christie I would not be. Hungry Hampster who regularly visits and posts nice comments and has a great blog. Angelika who posts desserts like my dear mother made. Visiting is like going home. The lovely Tara who is generous enough to take time out of your extraordinarilly busy world to write to little old me. She posts the most glorious photos of Paris and lives the dream I dream. The wonderful Dorie who had almost six hundred comments to her competition but took time out to write to me and thank me for my comments. The sweet Ilva, who takes the most beautiful photos and makes time for everyone. Tuscany, my second dream of dreams. These guys post delicious foods and puts their own twist on food and life. How wonderful diversity is! And they're Melbourne boys, what more can I say.

Thanks again Hannah for the honour and happy blogging to everyone. To all those I did not mention, you know I love you regardless!!

Vida x x x


Christie said...

Thanks vida, Good work on the links too ! ;-)

Vida said...

Darl, I am getting the hang of this. Thanks for all your help x

Hungry Hamster said...

Thanks Vida! I'm very flattered :)

Hannah said...

Well deserved Vida - and you got the summery just right!

Gloria Baker said...

I'm congrats you again and I think you are a really lovely person.xxxxCariños Gloria

Ilva said...

Thanks Vida! You are so NICE!!